"METROPOLIS" is A 1927 GERMAN EXPRESSIONISM SILENCE FICTION FILM directed by Fritz Lang and written by Lang and Thea von Harbou.
This film show about thinking of people in that time to future, from the film tell about Metropolis is a large city somewhere in the future, adheres spatially and socially to a caste system: at the top is Joh Fredersen (Alfred Abel) the ruler of this highly industrialized city under his command; at the bottom are workers without names, addressed by numbers instead.
From this film show the two different society are ruler on ground and worker in underground, everyone in the film work to modernism same nowaday, but ruler not to know what happen in underground and worker, mean worker are not important. This wrong from modernism are eveyone are equal unit, from this make me think about everyone like to truth in they eye see but is not true alway.